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Home ยป Protected: This is an impressionistic oil painting on canvas, capturing a Mediterranean coastal scene. The vibrant brushwork and rich palette of blues, greens, yellows, and reds suggest plein air execution. The piece is hand-painted, hinted by the texture, and seems to be an original. The work is signed in the lower right corner, indicating it may be by ‘Damiani’, a French artist from circa late 20thC. Creation date is not visible, estimated circa late 20thC. Quality indicates the work of a skilled artist.This artwork is an Impressionist-style oil painting, capturing a coastal Mediterranean scene. It exhibits textured brushstrokes with predominant blues, greens, and warm earth tones. The orientation of the painting suggests it might be viewed in an incorrect position. The quality suggests a hand-made original piece.A signature is not clearly discernible, preventing the attribution to a specific artist, circa late 20th century known for such landscape scenes. Creation date is not visible but likely from the 1990s.This is an impressionistic oil painting on canvas, capturing a Mediterranean coastal scene. The vibrant brushwork and rich palette of blues, greens, yellows, and reds suggest plein air execution. The piece is hand-painted, hinted by the texture, and seems to be an original. The work is signed in the lower right corner, indicating it may be by ‘Damiani’, a French artist from circa late 20thC. Creation date is not visible, estimated circa late 20thC. Quality indicates the work of a skilled artist.

Protected: This is an impressionistic oil painting on canvas, capturing a Mediterranean coastal scene. The vibrant brushwork and rich palette of blues, greens, yellows, and reds suggest plein air execution. The piece is hand-painted, hinted by the texture, and seems to be an original. The work is signed in the lower right corner, indicating it may be by ‘Damiani’, a French artist from circa late 20thC. Creation date is not visible, estimated circa late 20thC. Quality indicates the work of a skilled artist.This artwork is an Impressionist-style oil painting, capturing a coastal Mediterranean scene. It exhibits textured brushstrokes with predominant blues, greens, and warm earth tones. The orientation of the painting suggests it might be viewed in an incorrect position. The quality suggests a hand-made original piece.A signature is not clearly discernible, preventing the attribution to a specific artist, circa late 20th century known for such landscape scenes. Creation date is not visible but likely from the 1990s.This is an impressionistic oil painting on canvas, capturing a Mediterranean coastal scene. The vibrant brushwork and rich palette of blues, greens, yellows, and reds suggest plein air execution. The piece is hand-painted, hinted by the texture, and seems to be an original. The work is signed in the lower right corner, indicating it may be by ‘Damiani’, a French artist from circa late 20thC. Creation date is not visible, estimated circa late 20thC. Quality indicates the work of a skilled artist.

  • Andres G 
  • 9 min read
Andres G

Andres G

BSc, MSc, Expert Appraiser of all kinds of Antique items. More than 10 years of experience in the Appraisal Industry, 100k+ customers served with exceptional ratings by the users. Antique store owner and businessman.

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