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Home ยป Protected: This is a Cubist-style painting, utilizing oil on canvas. The palette includes bold reds, blues, blacks, and earthy yellows. The composition is likely original. This piece is signed Wolf, which is a British artist. This is a still life scene with violin and fruits, made circa 1990s. The artwork, though worn, appears to be hand-painted, suggesting authenticity over a print reproduction.

Protected: This is a Cubist-style painting, utilizing oil on canvas. The palette includes bold reds, blues, blacks, and earthy yellows. The composition is likely original. This piece is signed Wolf, which is a British artist. This is a still life scene with violin and fruits, made circa 1990s. The artwork, though worn, appears to be hand-painted, suggesting authenticity over a print reproduction.

  • Andres G 
  • 9 min read
Andres G

Andres G

BSc, MSc, Expert Appraiser of all kinds of Antique items. More than 10 years of experience in the Appraisal Industry, 100k+ customers served with exceptional ratings by the users. Antique store owner and businessman.

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